Q10. Varying Experiences Within The Fantasy

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Our previous post ‘Waiting with Patience’ prompted us to offer more ‘food for thought’ to Charlie of CharlieCountryBoy‘s plate of knowledge. To this end, Charlie, we offer the following:

Varying Experiences Available Within The Fantasy?

This is, fundamentally, a question requiring great detail to answer.

Firstly, dearest, we shall begin with a synopsis of ‘life as spirit’ enjoying the Fantasy of Earth.

You, dearest, are spirit, or consciousness. We use the term ‘consciousness’ to denote an existence without physical form. Yes, we appreciate this (for the human mind) takes some getting around. Our dearest, when we first introduced this truth, asked. “What do we look like?” Indeed she did, Dear Hearts. We offer this, with our dearest’s blessing; it no longer pains her as once it did to be seen in this light!

Yes indeed, Dear Ones, we are a consciousness only. We do not have a body, so to speak. To enable ourselves the fun and enjoyment of a body, so-called, we have created many fantasies; the Earth Fantasy being one such one.

Within the Fantasy are many opportunities for a variety of ‘bodily’ experiences. Everything you see; the animals, minerals, plant-life, people, Dear Ones, are an opportunity for yet another experience. We enjoy them all. However, there are also a multitude of reasons why we choose particular experiences. There are the overall ‘blanket’ experiences of one species; one variance over another. Suffice to say; all experiences have the commonality of enjoyment.

However, within this short synopsis of life within The Fantasy of Earth we shall confine ourselves to that of the human and the human mind.

Our dearest has, and will continue to be focused upon an agreed outcome for this lifetime. Hers is to instigate and manage newness in the form of removing the myths we have perpetrated for millennia. The truth of our existence is becoming widespread, and will continue its penetration via her words and backwards aging. In time this will be widely appreciated as she reaches her 27th year.

Our dearest’s experience will be duplicated by many over the coming years. This will further evidence the truth to be found within our books and upon our websites. However, Dear Hearts, hers, as we’ve said, is an experience born of a single purpose.

This is not the norm within The Earth Fantasy. We do not hold individual consciousnesses to such a linear position. No, Dear Ones; the norm looks far more diverse. However, this diversity brings with it angst and confusion for most. Our dearest, being single minded, so to speak, knows full well the road being travelled. This is not the case for the majority. No, Dear Ones, the majority are like flotsam and jetsam upon a wild sea buffeting here and there with little consistency and much alarm. This is a major part of the experience for the majority; a ‘welcome’ part of the experience for the majority.

We hasten to add, Dear Ones: As a consciousness we thoroughly enjoy the buffeting. As a human experiencing the range of emotions engendered, we can feel extremes of energies resulting in exultation through devastation. Once again, we say: All experiences, to the spirit, or consciousness, are exceedingly agreeable.

We have, in another writing, given the break-up of experiencing consciousnesses within The Fantasy and do not wish to further explain. Should you care to have further appreciation of the numbers of those consciousnesses within the various compartments of experience we suggest further reading here.

To return, Dear Ones:

And so we herald the truth of our existence by proving backwards aging. This and this alone will stand the test of time. Many, such as you, Dear Heart, reading our words may be one such one. You may see changes in yourself, as does our dearest Carolyn. She can no longer deny the truth; her body and mind are becoming younger.

This will become the norm for many within The Fantasy in time; the majority escalating to the state whereby 27 will become the oldest physical age upon the Earth, making the remainder of the ever increasing number of years spent learning and reaping the benefits of a youthful frame; creating diversity of relationship, careers/vocations, love, and perfection.

As we have written elsewhere, this will take a further 3 centuries to become the norm. There will be great disruption for many over the first century. The second century will have a further decline of violence with the third bearing little to no resemblance to the first; as the majority will have achieved the goal of love and perfection, the new premise for The Earth Fantasy.

Regardless of the premise now instigated, many will not recognise nor are they meant to recognise the new. Many, as has been written, are here purely to circumvent the inner core of negativity we all are subject to. They, and many who are here purely for entertainment sake, will come and go; they are geared to having many diverse experiences and cannot remain long in any experience.

However, for The Light Workers; i.e., those subject to the new premise, will ‘feel’ disturbed. They will be influenced by the changing energies. They will have an opinion regarding the new. You, Dear Heart, may be one such who will ‘have an opinion’.

We say, Dear Heart: Remember Backwards Aging which, for man, is an impossibility unless our words are true.

We shall take you on a journey unlike any other possible. You, Dear One, may evidence youth ongoing, or youth once again. An impossibility unless we are as we say we are:

Consciousness having an experience.


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© 2017 Carolyn Page & The Collective Consciousness
ABC of Spirit Talk


  1. This is a well stated recap of everything I have learned.
    My latest Earth experience is: baking a multitude of pies. The freezer died. All various fruits from the summer’s harvest have melted.
    I’m sad t say I had to buy a mass of tin foil pie plates & a roll of tin foil. Nonetheless, at least 10 pies have been baked, most wrapped in foil, and frozen. The last 5 will be baked tomorrow.
    I’m not sure what the exact outcome of all this pie baking will be, but I feel my pies are full of love and perfection (minus the foil!)

  2. I want one! Even wrapped in foil (haha) I know they will be delicious!
    Yes, I was quite surprised by this ‘recap’. I know I should (by now) not be surprised by The C.Cs succinct eloquence, but, I am still. 🙂
    Indeed, Dear Heart, we are pleased this ‘recap’ coincides with your learning. We aim to bring ‘truth’ to those whose agreement is to know truth.
    We also, Dear One, congratulate you on your backwards aging, and ask that you allow the process without doubt entering the mind. Oh yes, Dear Heart, the mind can play tricks; tricks that shall hold you in their menacing grip, indeed. Ask for the mind to be quieted; and so shall it be.
    Many Blessings, Dear Heart

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