About Carolyn


Hello, my name is Carolyn Page, and I am a medium representing The Collective Consciousness.

Image taken: May 2024 

(Listen while you read) 

My role is to bring awareness of our existence to those who so choose to hear. They, those who choose to hear, are the Light Workers of the world.

And what are Light Workers?

They are those whose desire is to work upon themselves for the betterment of mankind.

There are many new understandings coming for those who choose to hear; changes that shall cause great strife for some, enjoyment for others, fear and rejection for still others. The new is being introduced now because this is as we have arranged it.

And who are we?

You and I, and the multitude of souls who are in agreement that, as of now, the falsities under which we have been living are to come to an end.

And why are they to come to an end?

They are to come to an end because we are no longer in need of them to continue. To explain:

As spirit we are perfect. That is, those of us having the experience of the Earth Fantasy are perfect. We enjoy this experience of imperfection, and shall continue to enjoy the experience, as it stands, for some good time to come. However, the changes imminent within the Earth Fantasy are to be this:

We, those of us who are enjoying the fantasy of being Light Workers, are to bring about change in the form of love and perfection within ourselves.

Note, my friends, we have not said for others. No, this is not to be the case. We, the Light Workers of the world, are to bring about change, dramatic change, within ourselves. Indeed, we are to work toward attaining the perfected state whilst on Earth.

The change, we are here to speak about, is the change toward bringing love and perfection to the Earth Fantasy. Yes, my friends, love and perfection is to replace the havoc, distrust, menace and greed of the Earth Fantasy to date.

Should you feel you are a Light Worker; that is, one who needs to be ever growing and developing, you may be interested in learning more. We welcome you to visit our website ‘ABC of Spirit Talk’ where we speak about the changes to come in our free book downloads.

We look forward to seeing you there.

©March 2016 Carolyn Page – ABC of Spirit Talk

The following was the original ‘About Carolyn’.

Hello, my name is Carolyn Page.    (Listen while you read)

Dagr - The Norse God of the Day
Dagr – The Norse God of the Day by Peter Nicolai Arbo

The following was written during 2005 by The Collective Consciousness when they made known certain information through me. You see, apart from being a regular person doing regular things, I am also a medium and a channel. 

What they say about me may very well be true (time will tell); however, I doubt that it will happen within my lifetime. I am of the belief that I am just the one who put up her hand to allow these insights to begin. Someone has to get things started; right?

I am a woman who, these days, is enjoying her life. I always knew that my life would become better and better as I aged, and this is happily coming true for me. Should you care to read more please go ahead. However, do remember that, although I have trust and faith in The Collective Consciousness, I have really had to ‘take lightly’ their remarks in regard to me personally. I would have to be some kind of megalomaniac otherwise; and if you knew me personally you would understand, that just isn’t me. 

Apart from that, I do have an investment in doing as I have been doing now for some years by working upon improving myself by following the advice given to me by The Collective Consciousness. These understandings I write about mainly in the Animal Reflections….


As we have said, the little one (Carolyn) is to do great things; we make no apology for this. She shall create a following of Light Workers who shall grace the earth with their love, their joy, their humour, their courage. Those who will join her will know. This is her pathway, the one waited for.

Thank you to those brave souls who seek their truth, you shall not go unrewarded.

There be differences, dear ones, in all. Some are here upon earth indeed to experience woe, some love, some not love; all experiences meant for experiencing. All have done this at some time in their soul’s journey. This is not to say that one is better than another, to be sure; just different.

Hers is a time of great love; she has experienced a lack of love many times. This is life in all its wonder; to experience many experiences.

This is her opportunity to experience ‘love’ manifold; all will have this experience at some time in their journey.

We do not apologise for truth. Truth is truth is truth is truth.

She has been advised many times recently not to hide her light for this is her time. This she will do.

Humans have the thought that all are equal. Indeed at conception we are all equal. But just as some choose to experience ‘life’ in various ways so too souls choose one form of life over another. Some rush to evolve, whilst some choose the more mellow path. She has been one of those who has rushed. We say this because humans need to know that although a lifetime is meant to be in one vein or another the soul has the choice always to create that thing which they are here to do, or not. The greatest souls are those who choose to do that which they are here to do; and this can be to experience the greatest danger by being a hurtful, sinful sloth or, as has been said, one who is here to give light. This is the choice.

We ask you not to make apologies for shedding your light, dear ones. If this is to be the quest of your life, then allow; for we are here to prepare the way for greater to come.

Allow the love, dear ones, allow the love.

The C.C. (Collective Consciousness)


Asked if I (Carolyn) do trance work, The CC. replied:

Indeed she does, dear one, indeed she does and she shall do much more in the time ahead.

We guide her as no-one has been guided before, dear heart. Hers has been a life of simplicity awaiting her time to join in this event; that of melding our two vibrations together.

Many more shall follow, dear heart, her example. More and more upon your computer screens, on your television and the many mass marketing apparatus available will be utilised for the new beginning. We anticipate many hundreds of channels engaging in forums meant for this purpose. We await this happenstance with much great pleasure and welcome relief for its momentous occurrence upon earth.

Indeed we herald a new dawn, dear one. Welcome to the new.

Many blessings, dear one, many blessings

© November 2011 Carolyn Page & The Collective Consciousness
ABC of Spirit Talk


    1. Thank you Ned… a lovely surprise….. ! &
      A real treat to be listed in your line-up of nominees.
      Some of them I already visit and the others are now on my to do list….

    1. Thank You Shalvika (pretty name)…. 😉
      I’m so pleased that you like it…. 😉 I’ve taken a little journey over to your blog and am very impressed by your writing style….. I too shall follow your blog… 😉

    1. Oh Dolly, you are so sweet; Thank You
      You are also loved t’is true
      Enjoy my gift of love to you
      You fill each heart with sheer delight
      For one so cute, you have great might!

    1. Congrats to you dear Kim; and Thank You; yes, of course I accept your gift with love…
      Yours is a blog I truly enjoy. I love going over to your place; there’s always such love, joy and good thoughts happening…
      And to you a good day….. 🙂 xoxoxo

  1. Not entirely sure what the words mean (late night tired brain cells…) but I love the picture, the bloke on the horse). For reasons that will for now remain unspoken, I have had a similar image in my head which means a huge amount to me 🙂

      1. Ha! Thanks, I’ll bear you in mind though I suspect it will remain between me and God for a long time…until I come to write my autobiography of course 🙂

    1. Done, Brad….
      It’s a public holiday for us in Oz, so I got straight onto it…! 🙂
      Thanks for thinking of me… That was a lot of fun; especially Question 11.. haha 🙂

    1. Yes, I was wondering about that, and didn’t want to ask about it on those sites. This is a wonderful step for you – ‘your name associated with the murals’ is yet another springboard. Well done to you. How exciting!

  2. Dear Carolyn,
    I have missed enjoying some Posts from my fav Bloggers, and I will try to catch up in the coming days.
    My mother passed away a few days ago, and I lost track of everything else in my life.
    Your Blog is a wonderful place. You are lovely!

    1. There is no need for ‘catching up’; I know that you are there..! You are truly a lovely girl, and I’m pleased to know you… xoxoxo
      Do as you need to do for your mother and for you. When your commitments are met there you will be free to do those other things that need you….
      My love and my heart to you, Resa… and my condolences… xoxoxo

        1. Thank You so much for the invitation… 🙂
          kz also invited me to plan a dream dinner party, which I’m currently pondering over. It is such a difficult choice as there are so many wonderful personalities and foods from which to choose…. xoxoxo 🙂

  3. You’re a woman of wisdom, Carol! Your words; your posts always lead me to reflect deeply within. Thank you for being such a great source of inspiration!! More power to you, and God bless you and your family too!

      1. Thank you Carol! Coming from you, that’s really very encouraging to hear. = ) I am a work in progress, and every word of wisdom I learn from upright people like you, means a lot to me.

          1. From your voice, to your writing, to your aura, you are not a work in progress, Carol. And I so highly look up to you. There are things that totally slipped my thoughts, or I was never aware of, that you awoke me of. So thank you! 😊 Xoxo

            1. Thank You so much, Aina…
              However, I must respectfully disagree with you, with love.
              My guidance tell me that life is a continual spiral to perfection. We are all on that spiral. I am very happy to be on that spiral; I would not like to think there was no higher to climb!
              Thank You for your kind words though; I really do appreciate them… xoxoxo

    1. Congratulations and Thank You…!
      This little comment found its way into the ‘spam’ folder…. However, I’ve retrieved it..!
      I accept; although I may have to do a ‘few in one’ posts as well. I have yet to have ‘a dinner party’, so many guests to be considered..
      Thank You again… 🙂

    1. Oh, for an awful moment I thought I hadn’t responded …
      I have though; I responded on your post however, I haven’t responded here…
      Naughty me… 😉
      Thank You kz, you are a wonder indeed, and I’m very delighted to accept your lovely gifts… xoxoxo 🙂

    1. Kim, I was obviously so ‘blown away’ by this wonderful generous gesture of yours, I completely forgot to comment here… Thank You from the bottom of my little heart; I was/am so delighted to be amongst your delightful list of recipients….

    1. Happy Holidays… yes, I’m having a wonderful break from all things usual and routine however, I’d like to congratulate you for all the awards and let you know I’m thoroughly delighted to be included in your nominations…
      Thank You so much..! I’m very honoured to accept..! 🙂

    1. May we enjoy 2013 as we have 2012….
      On second thoughts: May 2013 be even more enjoyable…. 😉
      Congratulations to you; 18 awards in one post. Now that’s what I call economical, and a great example to be followed… 😉
      Many Thanks….. 🙂

      1. Lol! Yes, economical indeed! It took a long time to put it all together, but would have been even more tricky if I responded with an individual post to each one 😉 This is one of the reasons I stepped back from accepting nominations for a while. But thanks so much for the congrats! And I wish you and yours the most fabulous year, Carolyn! Here’s to 2013! 🙂 x
        Oh, btw- will you be writing a snake related post as the year of the snake approaches?

        1. Yes, I appreciate what you’re saying; it (award responses) can take an enormous amount of time and energy, and yet it can also be greatly enjoyable… 😉

          I’m with you; here’s hoping 2013 holds love and laughter for us all… 🙂

  4. Hello Carolyn,

    I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. I would like to thank you because you keep following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride.

    My subscription went messed up, and now I am resubscribing, looking forward to reading more of your posts! Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

    1. Never too late..! Happy New Year to you Subhan; may it be filled with love and laughter…!
      I am so sorry to hear about your subscription situation. Hopefully all is now well… 🙂

  5. It’s early dawn and I’m still following my faint path, through the woods, along the stream and up the mountain. Still connecting to the bits and pieces of the master within, and looking forward to the day when it all lands on me.
    I see your having fun with your gifts, may the ride leave you squealing with delight.
    Blessings in light…

  6. This was beautiful Carolyn. I was here just by chance following some link,
    but what I heard above was absolutely beautiful, I loved it and you voice was so soothing to my ears. I shall follow this blog i loved this blog

    I invite you to visit my blog Ajaytao2010.wordpress.com. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.

  7. Dear Carolyn,
    Willow nominated me for the WordPress Family Award, which means I can nominate 10 other bloggers who I feel are part of my WordPress Family too…. So, I picked you as one of my group, though I have to admit I needed more than 10 to do justice to all the good ffolkes here on WP…. 😀 Anywho, I think you’re fab, and now all of WP knows it, too!….

    If you wish to pay the award forward, feel free, but there is no pressure to do so…. just accept my love, and have a good day… but, the rules for the award are on my blog, here: http://gigoid.me/2013/04/07/word-is-wordpress-rocks/ , or at the original creator’s site, here:  http://prayingforoneday.wordpress.com/

    Take care, my friend, and Blessed Be….

    gigoid, aka Ned, and glad to be your friend….

    1. Hello sweet man… I accept your love wholeheartedly… 😉 😉

      Thank You, Ned… it really is a pleasure to be considered a part of your blogging family… I’m tickled pink…! xoxoxo 🙂

    1. Congratulations to you, Diane; a very deserving award indeed… 🙂
      Thank You so much for including me; I’m delighted you think of me as a friend; I have most certainly been touched by you, too. Here’s hoping our paths meet again…

  8. Your blog is wonderful and your thoughts are lofty and badly needed in the world. It would be an honour to have you glance at the story of the awakening of a spent nation written in verse at http://www.nirbhayasindia.com Your comments would mean the world to me.

  9. Happy New Year to you my dear sweet friend Carol 🙂
    I wish you all the happiness in the world and more blessings for you and your family! mmwahhh
    Thanks so much too… for being one of my most active commenters in my blog 🙂 xoxo
    I miss you!

    1. And to you, dear Dolly, a Wonderful New Year. ❗ 😀
      It warms my heart enormously to see you. I too miss you, Dolly, and feel so happy to see your beautiful face..
      Here’s to 2014. Enjoy it, Dolly; as I enjoy you. 😀

    1. Congratulations, Anne..! Thank You so much for the nomination, a real treat however, I had to stop accepting awards some time back; I just haven’t the time to devote to them these days…. I have a little notice in the side bar ‘Award Free Zone’… yet am tickled that you thought of me… 🙂

      1. Ooh Carolyn, I think now this happened before, Sorry ! As long as the process is , I don’t look for who has a sign saying “no awards “. Sorry, I guess that is a nuisance, but I admire your work! Congratulations.

  10. Hi I found your page thru Lynn Thaler’s blog. I feel I’m definitely a light worker😊 I’m an animal rights activist, animal welfare supporter (of course!) and environmentalist. I’m always advocating to raise awareness and change things for the better of humanity. I got started back in the early 90s and it is a duty until I die to speak (and act) for those who can’t. I became a vegetarian in 1996/1997 and now am a aspiring vegan. I see you have so much to offer I’m going to take time and browse around. I’m glad I found you😄

  11. Welcome; I’m so pleased you found me…
    My goodness! I popped over to your blog and am still a little on overload. You have so much to offer it will take some time to really have a good look, which, hopefully, I’ll get to a little later today (Monday).
    I do try to do as little as possible on the weekends, leaving it for my man, family and socialising. However, it is now 5am and, I believe, I’m just about to work on the latest post. Perhaps you may care to pop back later and take a look.
    Bye for now… 🙂

  12. Hello Carolyn!

    Its so lovely to hear from you. Since we last communicated, we moved back to the UK from Qatar and and I about to launch a self-help membership website, concerning all the topics both you and I are interested in. I love what you’re doing here. Keep up the good work.

    Your profile picture shows that you’re getting more and more beautiful! Stay well, Carolyn, and lots of love.


    1. And it’s lovely to hear from you, Yaz. Do send me the particulars of your new site; I’d love to come along to see what you are doing.

      I’ve missed you… 🙂

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