Change – The Only Constant

A truism, Dear Hearts. Change is the only constant; otherwise, there would be sameness and the resulting boredom.

Our dearest is currently experiencing great change within her life; her personal life, her social life, and her ‘needs’ life.

Yes indeed, Dear Ones, our dearest’s needs are changing. And this we say to all.

Should your life, and therefore, your needs not be changing you will find yourself bored.

Boredom is a fact of life for all. However, Dear Ones, it is not to be a constant. No, Dear Ones; if boredom remains a constant you will not survive.

Our dearest is a little aghast at our words. However, dearest, would you survive were you to be in a constant state of boredom?

The answer our dearest has given is; “no”.

And this will be the case for any and all of us, within the Fantasy or in so-called spirit.

None of us ‘survive’ in a constant state of boredom.


(If you haven’t already we offer our first five audio podcasts available on our YouTube Channel)

Many Blessings Dear Ones. Many Blessings to All

The Collective Consciousness (The C.C.) & Carolyn

Image: A Pixabay Image

Music Credit: Purple Planet Music – What’s Cooking


  1. Boredom really can’t last for ever. Even writing a beautiful post can change the state of mind. Loved your post, Carolyn.

    1. Yes, I agree with you absolutely.
      We are so fortunate to have our websites to keep us mentally moving forward.
      Lovely to hear from you! So kind.

    1. Indeed, Dorothy; boredom is so crippling, as I know from experience. And although, change, can at times be a little scary; there’s no better place to be when that artful dodger is near.

      Great to see you! 💖

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