And On We Go To Another Beginning

Yes, indeed, Dear Hearts, on we go to yet another beginning. And what is that to be?

It is the uploading of our Audio Podcasts to our YouTube Channel – ‘Carolyn Page – Medium’

Yes, indeed, along with our dearest’s videos we will showcase our audio podcasts for the listening pleasure of all. As we do not have a body, Dear Hearts, audio must suffice… (A little attempt at humour, Dear Ones.)

We will be greatly pleased should you take the opportunity to learn more about ‘us’; you, Carolyn and us, The Collective Consciousness, you appreciate. Were you to have listened to our Podcasts here on our website; listening again and again, Dear Ones, will enhance your understanding.

Many Blessings, Dear Ones. Many Blessings to All

The Collective Consciousness (The C.C.)


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