Episode 61 – Carolyn Page – Medium

Born shortly after the end of World War 2, Carolyn was the fourth child, third daughter to a working class family of seven children, in Sydney Australia.

This is a rather startling piece of information to the now seventy three year old. The reason it is startling to her is because it surprisingly denotes a seriously long life. A long and very eventful life.

Carolyn is now at a time in her life where, for all intents and purposes, her life is to take a rather sudden turnabout.

By this is meant:

Our dearest is now to begin living a new adventure; one that will open many new and exciting doors. The first of these is to allow her to enter public life as she has not known before.

We have kept our dearest well-hidden until now to protect her from the arrows that can, and are the torment of public attention.

However, she is now fully capable of handling the scrutiny that a life in the public eye can bring.

With this new experience opening before her we wish her bonhomie, and all who come into contact with her.

We also add:

This is to be her experience from this date forward –

Many Blessings, Dearest. Many Blessings to All

Carolyn Page & The Collective Consciousness

ABC of Spirit Talk.net

Music Credit: Esther Abrami – No.10 A New Beginning


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