Episode 60 – It is only when we allow fear to dominate, we find it hard to face the day.

We repeat:

It is only when we allow fear to dominate, we find it hard to face the day.

Fear prevents us from becoming our potential.

These two statements are facts; facts that can be overcome. However, many remain in the limitation of fear.


They remain within the limitation of fear because they fear. The very thought of fear causes some to withdraw.

To withdraw?

To withdraw from life.

This is very sad.

Indeed ‘tis sad. And yet, true. Those with courage can oftentimes force successful outcomes, but not without great effort. And this is the direction we hope for all. The direction toward courage; the quality necessary to create change.

We have spoken of the need for change. We have spoken of the need for resolve. We have spoken of the need to take the proverbial bull by the horns and throw it in whatever direction necessary to free one’s self of fear. And yet, many remain bound in the negative structure that fear builds.

Won’t you take that proverbial bull by its horns and throw it with all the strength you can muster in the direction of lack of fear. For this is what it will take to free yourself of fear.

Our dearest knows of what we speak. She knows what it is to throw that proverbial bull away. She knows, and so do we, the quantity and quality of the work she has performed upon herself. It is not for the feint hearted; no indeed. Freeing yourself from fear requires commitment, resolve and determination.

Once free, the worldly events that once stifled you become as smoke; without substance. The battles can rage whilst you remain secure within your calm state of mind; aware of the negatives, yet blissfully unaffected; compassionate, yet detached; allowing all their particular pathway and experience.

It is only when you free yourself from fear that you truly learn to live your life, and allow others to live theirs.

This can only be fully experienced when you accept the truth of our beginnings, our middle, and our planned end.

In other words, Dear Ones: When you accept that you are a consciousness enjoying a fantasy.

A consciousness only, free from the restrictions of the physical scene in which you are having a mental experience.

You will then truly treat your experience with the lightness of breath associated with the truth of our magnificent potential as a soul to create vast experiences to astound the uninitiated.

In this lies the freedom our dearest lives to the full, unencumbered by the deliberate restrictions of myth and negativity imposed upon this particular fantasy. A fantasy that you, Dear Light Worker, have agreed to overcome.

Many Blessings. Many Blessings to All

Carolyn Page & The Collective Consciousness


    1. Hello Dear Anjali, it is so good to hear from you!
      I am doing quite well, thank you.
      Today was my daughter’s birthday. We have just arrived home from a celebratory evening with her and her hubby.
      This reminds me of your little one – so much younger, of course. But, loved beyond words can say.
      I will drop on over to see what you are up to.
      Once again – lovely to see you

      1. Thank you so much Carolyn for remembering me and my daughter. We are doing good. Congratulations on your daughter birthday. We have some connection I guess, I dropped message on such a beautiful day. I am hoping to write more in coming year.
        Thank you and lots of love.

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